Shrewsbury Lit Fest

I had a great weekend at the Shrewsbury Lit Fest. The organisers had done a good job on the publicity front, with articles in the Shropshire Star and the Shropshire Magazine. The smart brochure for the festival had me on the same page as Manda Scott, one of my favourite writers, which I felt very excited about! We went to her event and she turned out to be every bit as interesting in person as she is in writing. Both of our events were at the Unitarian Church, where Charles Darwin was a regular worshipper.

Shrewsbury Lit Fest Brochure 2018

I enjoyed talking about Stranger In My Heart, especially as many in the audience were people who’d known Dad. It really strikes a chord with people when I speak about the ‘one sentence legend’ that we have about a parent or grandparent and what they did in the war. The silence of World War participants, especially combatants, seems almost universal. People recognise that the next generation down don’t even have the ‘one sentence legend’ and so will have no reason to enquire into the lives of individuals from the World War generations. My campaign to rescue these stories before they get lost forever is gathering pace as I am now an approved speaker for the WI, following my audition last week. I already have two bookings for next year!

Of course the best thing about the weekend was visiting family and catching up with old friends who’d come to the Festival. Sadly, my mum is no longer able to go to events but I showed her the various press articles about it. In the town Square there was a Peoples Vote stall, with an Emergency Poet in attendance. Love it!

Emergency Poet, Shrewsbury Square

Speaking Engagements

Gosh it’s been a busy couple of months! Lots to tell you about Stranger In My Heart, along with upcoming events. I also had lovely outings to Burghley Horse Trials and the Frida Kahlo exhibition, caught up with old friends from Australia and spent 10 days touring Portugal in wall-to-wall sunshine – heaven!

Novel Nights is a regular literary gathering, with events in Bath and Bristol. I was fortunate to be chosen to speak at their ‘telling other people’s stories’ evening, where I was interviewed about my book and then read a short extract. A discussion followed the main speaker (Xan Brooks) about how writers can speak for others  authentically – even if they are a different gender, race, ethnicity or species!

I also spoke at Bath University’s One World week, focusing on the Chinese history, culture and language aspects of my book. My talk was recorded and will be available for students/staff to view on the University’s intranet. The same week I joined a gang of Unbound authors at the Bristol Literary Festival to speak about crowdfunding and book marketing. It was great fun and I was proud to join such a talented, creative group of writers. We presented to an appreciative audience of about 40 at the Arnolfini’s Front Room. Lovely venue, great tech support (essential!).

unbound crowdfunding talk

Unbounders at Bristol Lit Fest 2018

There has been more press coverage of Stranger In My Heart in Family Tree Magazine (December 2018 – out now in newsagents) and a lovely review in the Journal of the Royal Artillery (Autumn 2018)

Family Tree books Stranger In My Heart

Family Tree Magazine (Dec 2018)

Journal Royal Artillery reviews Stranger In My Heart

Journal of Royal Artillery (Autumn 2018)

Next up is the Shrewsbury Lit Festival – do please come along if you can – and an audition with the WI!